A wealth of Vajrayana dharma
People from Dechen London and beyond were blessed with a day of teachings by Lama Jampa this Saturday, 24 November. The venue was Regent's University elegant mid C20th century Herringham Hall, located in Regents park. In the morning Lama Jampa continued with his teaching of Sakya Pandita's 'Discriminating the Three Vows', a detailed refutation of errors and confusions about how to practise the dharma.
Lama Jampa explained that this work of clarification, examination and explanation was composed and taught with the sole purpose of helping beings to acquire happiness and achieve Buddhahood. The focus of the text is to help us to practise carefully and properly so that we get maximum benefit from our efforts and become educated dharma practitioners. Without examination and study we are likely to mislead ourselves or be misled by others. If we are well educated we can discriminate what is the proper dharma; what is authentic and what not. We become autonomous, self reliant, are clear minded and stand on our own two feet in practise of the dharma. We can also inspire others by showing this precise understanding.

In the afternoon Lama Jampa bestowed the initiate of White Dzambhala from the lineage of Atisha, including the giving of refuge and bodhisattva vows to everyone present.
The weekend concluded with a joyful celebratory lunch at Dechen London's Notting Hill temple, with Lama Jampa and Dechen Dolma as guests of honour.